The Full Story
My videos and streams started as a personal outlet to share my thoughts, ideas and have fun with my kids. Gradually over time, it has turned into my own online community. I use state-of-the-art technology to edit my work, but I believe that good storytelling is the most important ingredient at the core of creating engaging streams and videos. I am a proud partner in The Dad Gaming League and also a well know caster for TDGL Apex Legends Tournaments every Saturday. I have to kids that love gaming as much as I do. My son has his own Youtube Channel and everyday amazes me at his content. My daughter love streaming and interacting with viewers just like you!
I’m proud of the growing community of users who visit my site, offer their feedback and suggest future collaborations. If you’d like to join or discuss working together, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me today. I can’t wait to hear from you.